Sunday, October 30, 2005

《艺周刊》 - 14/12/05

欢迎大家收听这一期的 《艺周刊》。今天我会为大家介绍 “飞星” 近期力捧的新人 - 谢翊卓。谢翊卓是继孙燕姿、林俊杰之后另一位备受看好的本地新力军。我们今天就独家从 “飞星” 那儿得到消息,为大家重点介绍这位谢翊卓, 以及他即将推出的首张个人专辑 – 《平安夜》 。


谢翊卓也的确有这份实力让大家注意到他。他的音乐底子非常深厚, 自小就学习西洋笛, 四年前进入国大法律系时,也开始研究学习电子琴。

这位年轻人非常有才华,才刚刚接触音乐制作,他就已经参与大部分专辑的制作。 说到这张 《平安夜》, 我觉得唱片公司精心为他打造的音乐风格有点像王力宏当年刚出道时所给人的感觉,让人感觉相当清新、舒服。他的第一首主打歌曲 《流星的承诺》 风格有点类似力宏当年的 《流泪手心》。

当然,风格类似并不是件好事。其实 《平安夜》 这张专辑有着他独特的个人风格。就拿翊卓的第二主打 《平安夜》 来说,它是一首富有节奏感、歌词相当激烈的歌曲。 据说,翊卓这首歌的灵感是来自于他从前一段不堪回首的恋情。


谢翊卓的 《平安夜》 选择在圣诞期间推出, 是想以他的歌曲来安抚城市里所有寂寞的心灵。他的首张个人专辑充满惊喜,虽然有几首感觉泄愤的歌曲,这张专辑听起来却非常舒服,耐人寻味,值得一听再听。



评分: 7 / 10

This is for a school project. We are asked to designed a promotion campaign for a budding singer's first album. So my partner and I created a character - 谢翊卓. You-know-who has kindly consented me to use his photo for CD album cover and the poster, and even an original recording for my presentation. However, owing to lack of time and my inexpert Photoshop skills, he looks like some cheapo singer like Ou Deyang.

He is rather displeased with the results. I think he will be even more unhappy that I'm showing it to public. Oops. Don't be angry with me ok? It's just for some light-hearted amusement.


What A Girl Notices In A Football Game II

Er, somebody requested for more.

John Terry vs John Cusack

Michael Ballack vs Mark Wahlberg

Fredrik Ljungberg vs Calvin Klein model

OK, I'm not stupid. I know he's the same guy. I just wanna put up his picture cos he's hot hot hot! :p

I can't remember anymore off-hand. If you got any ideas, tell me, so that I can continue the series.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sailormoon I Am Not

Sailormoon, I am not. But I dressed up as her during class presentation today.


This picture was not taken today (I don't have a Before photo), but my outfit was something like this - lousy Tee, casual shorts and my lovely Adidas jacket.

Our project was to study the consumption behaviour of a certain interest group and do a professional yet interesting presentation on it, together with report containing our findings and analysis. I didn't have to embarrass myself in class if:

1) Weixiong didn't suggest interviewing cosplayers.
2) (subsequent to point 1) I enthusiastically and stupidly told the group that I cosplayed before.
3) The rest of the group weren't part of the same gang. Thus, I had no power to protest.
4) I was not being too nice for my own good.

Finally, I succumbed to their coersion and agreed to act as Jenny the cosplayer. Since I did not have to be involved in the formal presentation of the findings and analysis, I spent my time brainstorming the creative part of the presentation. It was fun actually; I get to revisit my (superficial) drama skills.

Anyway, Jenny's favourite anime/manga character is Sailormoon. Inevitably, I would have to dress up as one. Ta daa~


Ok la, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought; at least the costume's cute. Before today, I thought I needed to place a paperbag over my head in Bizad after my presentation. Luckily, it's still pretty decent. I cannot imagine the reaction of the class and the following impact on my reputation if I had to wear Sailormoon's super short fighter outfit:

Not that I mind wearing short skirts, of course. It's just that I am trying hard to prevent people from viewing me as a bimbo.

Anyway, the presentation ended without major glitches. Or so I thought. Without my knowledge, it ended with this picture:

Cosfest 2000

And the class was asked to guess, "Which of our group members do you think is in the picture?" ROARRR. I (first one from the right) looked horrible in my short, curly hair and chubby cheeks! And they had to show it to the class. Haha, but of course, all these were done with good-natured humour. Since I had such a good time working with them, I will forgive and forget :)

Lastly, I wanna thank Yuanie for lending us her beautiful costume.

The meanies, me and Prof Tambyah

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wonky Faints

Fainting spells keep hitting me recently. First of the recent spells was during the lunch with the girls at mid-sem break. The second was during lunch with Rudi two weeks ago. Most recent was today, on my way back home.

When I say I fainted, I don't mean I lose all consciousness and fall to the ground. When I get hit by a fainting spell, I feel giddy. My vision becomes colourful, like the many pixels of a computer monitor. The ground becomes uneven and I start to wobble. My lips turn pale and my whole body becomes weak. I need something to support myself as I walk. I need to sit down. The cause: no proper breakfast.

Witnesses of my faints were quite alarmed. They scolded me for not eating breakfast. But... but I... Look, I wake up at ten for noon classes. Give myself half an hour to brush teeth, dress and pack. Then I have to leave or I will be late. There is no time to eat breakfast! Besides, I will reach school very shortly, in 90 minutes time. Okok, 90 minutes is not exactly short. On top of my reckless behaviour (to my health), I guess the hill that Bizad is sitting on poses as a threat, since I feel giddy when I ascend stairs, or hills, or slopes when I feel weak. I'm not a weakling ok. I see soldiers collapsing at their passing out parades.

The first time I fainted was in Primary School. The principal had too much to say during a certain morning assembly and I practically slumped to the ground. Two teachers had to carry me by the arms to the sick bay. I was fed some cereal.

The second time this happened in Primary School was the rehearsal for my school's moving-to-new-campus run. All of us had to line up and welcome the runners as they arrived from the old campus in Guillemard Road. We waited under the sun in senang diri (How do I spell this?) position. Two of us couldn't take it, including me. I guess what added on to the lack of sugar in the morning was the sudden loss of iron from my body. No point being shy about this. It was the first time I had my period, I discovered later that day.

A few insignificant episodes happened throughout Secondary School. I don't remember any attacks in JC. The fainting spells became more these two years.

There was once I skipped breakfast, and took the bus at seven plus in the morning. I wouldn't have fainted if I got a seat. Unfortunately, because of the morning crowd, I had to stand. 20 minutes into the ride, I felt a familiar weakening sensation. I knew I needed to sit down, so I attempted to alight the bus to rest at a bus stop. But before I reached the door, I wobbled and almost fell, if not for the people around me. They grabbed me steady and one gave up his seat to me. I couldn't see anything and was too weak to thank them. I just laid my head and the headrest in front (something I will never do in my right mind) and tried to recuperate. It took the whole bus journey on the ECP before I regained my composure and thanked the guy who gave up his seat. Finally I reached the school bus stop and I took the same bus in the opposite direction to go home to rest.

The second time was less serious, I managed to ask someone to let me take her seat before I lost my vision and balance. Weizheng was with me then. I'm sorry to alarm him like this.

The rest of the experiences were rather similar: I didn't eat breakfast for some pathetic reason, I felt giddy, and needed to sit down. The situations varied according to where I was, who were with me and how serious the spells were. But they all happened because I didn't eat anything before that.

Today was a different story. I woke at ten and left home at twelve for a 2pm class. I knew I might faint if I didn't eat before 4, the end of the class. So I bought a packet of Pocky and a tube of Fruitips. Chocolate and sugar. But they seemed to have lost their magic. I felt giddy when I climbed up the stairs to my lecture. After the class, I quickly went to eat a box of soya beancurd, with lots of syrup. Yet I still fainted on the way home.

This is a serious issue. My body seems to be losing the ability to produce glucose badly. I think I better see a doctor for these cases seem to be occuring more frequently. Maybe I'm going to die soon. Haha. Unfortunately however, I think this is going to be very unlikely.

I guess only
Qing knows what a Wonky Faint is. By the way, if you hear me say anything unfamiliar in these few weeks, it most probably is a quote from HP. Also, I'm looking for someone to watch Goblet of Fire with me on the first screening day (17 Nov). Requirement: Must be someone who is willing to sacrifice some study time for Harry.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I Wanna Date A Citibanker

A Citibanker is represented by the Citibank model in the Citibank ads. He is intelligent, charming, sincere and romantic. He has a cleanly shaven face, lovely sharp features, twinkling eyes and a smile that makes your legs wobble. He wears simple CK apparel that look perfect on his tall, proportionate frame. It is not exactly shown in the ads, but I'm pretty sure a hot piece of ass is packaged into the Citibank model.

James Lye is a rather good representation of a Citibanker. I think Julian Hee will qualify as well. And no, Jing Li, you do not look like Julian Hee, or a Citibanker.

And so, we had class presentations in school yesterday. Since it was a makeup class, Prof combined two classes into one and we got to meet people from the other class. And so, one group presented. One of the presenters had the Citibank look! As we had to dress up formally for presentations, he looked even better in his shirt and pants. Much as I wanted to, I couldn't stare at him throughout the presentation. It's not a prudent thing for a girl to do.

I watched him, looked at the screen when he turned in our direction, whispered to Shirley, watched him, smiled at him when he looked in our direction, whispered somemore to Shirley, looked at the screen, nodded and smiled in acknowledgement at what he was saying when he looked at us, looked at the screen, watched him, giggled with Shirley and stared intently at the slides till the end of the presentation.

"Mel, he kept looking at you!" Shirley said.

"Eh, it was irritating to hear two stupid girls giggling during the whole presentation," Dawne said. "No wonder Citibankers earn so much. They just need to have silly female clients like you, who won't pay attention to what they're saying. The girls will agree to anything."

He looked even cuter when compared to the next presenter who looked like Johnny Depp from Corpse Bride.

And so, I left the class in good spirits that lasted throughout the day. It's wondrous how a good looking person brightens your day. Wanqing, let's date Citibankers together!