Saturday, April 25, 2009

Claypot Delight

For the past ten years, I frequented the Claypot Rice stall at Chinatown (although there was a lapse in the last couple of years) with my Papa. When the steaming pot was served, he always poured the oil and soya sauce on the first layer - the ingredients - and mixed it up. Then he scooped the chicken to a plate and mixed up the rice with the sauce.

Apparently this was not the usual practice when eating claypot rice because when I did the same, my colleague and some Indonesian tai-tais remarked, "Are you supposed to serve the rice this way? We usually just mix up all the chicken and rice."

I replied, "Oh, that's how my Dad does it. Maybe it's more convenient this way; you can pick the chicken when you want from the plate."

The cute tai-tais smiled, "Let me try your Dad's method."

It's funny how my Papa's little actions make him so endearing to me.

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