Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Surprisingly without having to meet for projects one afternoon last week, I headed for home. As I walked along Heng Mui Keng Terrace under the scorching midday sun, an apple green Toyota Corolla cruised down the lane. I stepped aside to get out of the way when it halted next to me.

One would have expected the driver of an apple green car to look like anyone except a middle-aged looking man. But a middle-aged man it was who hailed me along the road.

“Hey, do you need a lift?” he piped up, as he leaned towards the window of the passenger seat.

My first instinct was to ask, “Do I know you?” but my innate manners sprung up and I smiled sweetly and said a polite, “Sorry?” instead.

“Do you need a lift? To an MRT station or somewhere?”

Then I decided that I shouldn’t be talking to strangers, so I said, “No, thank you. I don’t need a ride.” And the apple green car drove off.

Puzzled, I walked on.

Was I looking an easy catch that day or what? I'm sure I wasn't dressed skimpily. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me if I had got on the car. And I pray that no one had got on instead.

On second thoughts, maybe it was just a simple case of mistaken identity.


Anonymous said...

For the record, you don't need to dress skimply in order to be a target of (insert crime word here)

But then again, it could just be a nice gesture on his part.

What to do... this is the society we are brought up in.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, harm sap lou alert.

chowchow said...

monk: 防人之心不可无... Then I guess I looked too meek and bully-able. *shrugs* I can't help looking sweet. HA.

qing: Just today, I met another HSL. I need to 转运 la; keep attracting the wrong people.

jim: Please do not insult my standard of Chinese. You're talking to No. 1 in the level here :P

chowchow said...

Oei... The inverted commas are unnecessary la...

cinewhore said...

Maybe he was really trying to be nice. I've sometimes felt like stopping to offer people rides before, especially if they're walking in a damn ulu place. Never actually done it though.

chowchow said...

Don't try... 好心不会有好报的.