Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Birthday To You

I wished Dian Fang a happy birthday yesterday. It seems that he was utterly perplexed (in a nice way, of course) that I remembered. After all, the closest bond we had was in primary school, which was almost ten years ago.

Let me first explain why I remembered. Firstly, of course, was that I made the effort to (sometimes to cover up for the fact that I didn't give them prezzies). To those who realised (eg Jeslyn), I remember every single birthday of yours, as long as you mentioned it to me once. Besides my exceptional memory and shrewd observation skills to remember such details, I believe that my friends will appreciate my effort. Secondly, it's the fact that Dian Fang's birthday falls on Halloween Day. (Yuneng once said, "No wonder, he's face is shaped like a pumpkin.") In fact, I remember his birthday every year, most of the times not intended however.

I bumped into him earlier in the day. He was with Chunghang and Yonghe (I think these are their names). Being the usual bubbly me, I waved to him cheerily. It didn't strike me that it was his birthday that day. Only a few hours later, when I thought of the Halloween party I would be going to, that I remembered. This year I happened to have his number, so I took the effort and smsed him. This little gesture may not mean much since it's from a distant friend but I like to please my friends if I can.

Ok, here's to recapitulate your birthdays:

10 Nov - Danqi
27 Nov - Rufeng
30 Nov - Wanqing
2 Dec - Limin (Cousin)
3 Dec - Shiyu
10 Dec - Xiang
11 Dec - Xiaodong (Cousin)
18 Dec - Rongjun
21 Dec - Dillion Tan (KHS)
23 Dec - Xueli
24 Dec - Ann (Cousin)
25 Dec - Baby
27 Dec - Derrick
29 Dec - Poffy
31 Dec - Paveena, Sharon Wee (KHS)
2 Jan - Qirong (KHS)
8 Jan - Clara (2/3 TKGS)
9 Jan - Hui Ding
19 Jan - Jingli
21 Jan - Swee Kiat
5 Feb - Jieting (Cousin)
11 Feb - Xiaohui
25 Feb - Siyi
18 Mar - Ah Boy (Cousin)
22 Mar - Rudi
26 Mar - Pa
30 Mar - Shirley
8 Apr - Ma
17 Apr - Weixiong
30 Apr - Liwen (KHS)
29 May - Gek Leng
31 May - Joanne, Pearlyn (KHS)
8 Jun - Sushi
9 Jun - Jeslyn
14 Jun - Peiwen, Nian Fen
21 Jun - Sueyi
23 Jun - June Ho
7 Jul - Serene
14 Jul - Auntie Dewi
29 Aug - Dewei
26 Sep - Meijuan
30 Sep - Benjamin Lim

11 Oct - Ong Hui
21 Oct - Tay
31 Oct - Dian Fang

Okok, I'm human after all. I forgot June Lim's and Hong Choo's birthday. Also, I always wanted to know Agnes'... I know it's in February. Can someone enlighten me? I may have got some of these wrong. Please correct me. Heh.

Anyway, don't be surprised if you received my birthday wish. I just want to let you know that you are remembered, and loved (in certain cases =p).


Anonymous said...

Yes, I always appreciated and am forever touched by that. :)
Agnes is 11th Feb.

anw y u call me ong hui ah? hahahaa

chowchow said...

Thankew. You're ong hui cos i have another fren also called Hui Hui. She's Hui Ding (9 jan). Why not hui ong then? Cos i have too many 'h's in my phonebook. Hee.

Anonymous said...

bloghopping and here i am!
thanks again for remembering my bdae.
not tt i look like pumpkin.(damn yuneng)