Friday, September 25, 2009

Things I Did On A 12-Hour Flight

SIN >> LHR (London)
  1. Watched The Proposal
  2. Watched Angels and Demons in Italian
  3. Tried to read book that I brought along, failing to complete 5 pages at any one time
  4. Doodled in notebook
  5. Read over neighbour's shoulder - Guide to London
  6. Ate 2 in-flight meals + 3 sandwiches
  7. Napped

CDG (Paris) >> SIN
  1. Ate 2 in-flight meals + 1 bun
  2. Completed The Lost Symbol
I didn't realised it then (until I passed by a billboard - see photo below) but I grabbed The Lost Symbol on the day of release at a bargain! Only 12 pounds! It's selling at $48 here (pre-book price $36). One of the best finds of the trip :D

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