Monday, December 08, 2008

The Insane VS The Really Insane

I got this from a crime novel - How do you plead insanity as a defendant in a homicide?

Case 1
A man throws a baby into the fire thinking the baby is a piece of log. In the eyes of law, this man is insane.

Case 2
A man throws a baby into the fire knowing the baby is a human being. In the eyes of law, this man has murderous intention. Not insane.

Here lies the contradiction: Isn't the man from Case 2 more insane? He actually, intentionally, kills the baby in the fire.


Anyway, in crime related news, Guy Ritchie is going to be make Sherlock Holmes into a movie! The greatest detective himself played by sexy man Robert Downey Jr. His faithful Watson is played by not-sexy-anymore Jude Law. Perhaps Jude Law's balding crown is the reason why he was chosen to play Watson.

Can't wait to see Sherlock Holmes drink Starbucks :)

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