Friday, December 10, 2004

The Solitaire Mystery

Do you believe in coincidences? Do things happen out of pure coincidence or they happen for a reason? Was it coincidental that I appeared, and became part of your life? Or was it intended?

I think about my course in NUS - the fact that I was interviewed by one faculty, but ended up in another, even though this was already my first choice. I wonder about my busy JC life, which took up 16 of my 24 hours of each day. I also think about the teacher who made me her pet in my early teens, causing me to fervently strive to meet her expectations, and became top in the level. I like to wonder about the many schools I attended when I was a child.

I don't think it is a coincidence that I was born. Nor is it by chance that my parents met at a football match. It is not a coincidence that my father came to Singapore to learn the art of the goldsmith when he was only 17. It is also not a coincidence that my grandparents came to Singapore and raised 12 children. The list goes all the way back. I came bawling into the world on 10 December, 1984, because of everything that happened before me.

It is not a incidental that I am in your life. I am here to love you, to hold your hand when you have no one else. I am here to hug you when your world turns grey, to hold you in my embrace when you need a little comfort. With me, your world becomes a lovelier place.

I am here to be loved. I turn to you when I am abandoned by everyone. I want to hug you when my world turns grey, to hide in your embrace when I need a little comfort. With you, my world becomes a lovelier place too.

Thank you, my friends.

This post is inspired by The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaardner (and all my loves).

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